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DNP3 Module

Configuration Example

Example section from configuration file:

<dnp3 name="dnp3-outstation" mode="server">
    <outstation name="outstation-1">
        <input type="binary">
        <output type="binary">
        <input type="analog">

These configuration keys are described below.

DNP3 Module Overview

The DNP3 Module can act as a DNP3 client or server. Each client can act as one or more DNP3 masters, and each server can act as one or more DNP3 outstations. A limitation is that currently, OT-sim only supports a single client connection per server. Another limitation would be support for just 32-bit analog, not 16- or 64-bit.

Client & Server


OT-sim uses OpenDNP3 v3.1.2, please visit their content if you have questions on the library.


  • Handles select before operate

  • Supports class scans

  • Supports unsolicited responses

  • Supports outstation restarts

  • Supports binary inputs and outputs

Default Values

OT-sim supports all group and variation options that OpenDNP3 does. There are default settings if you do not specify a group and variation.

The sgvar key is the static group variation and has the following default values:

  • Binary input is group 1 variation 2

  • Analog input is group 30 variation 6

  • Binary output is none

  • Analog output is none

The egvar key is the event group variation and has the following default values:

  • Binary input is group 2 variation 2

  • Analog input is group 32 variation 6

  • Binary output is none

  • Analog output is none

Select before operate — the sbo key — is a binary value and it defaults to false.

The class key defaults to Class1; others are supported.


Additional class scan rate options available in the DNP3 module need to be documented.