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I/O Module

Configuration Example

Example section from configuration file:

<io name="ot-sim-io">

HELICS Federate

The OT-sim I/O Module is always a HELICS federate. In the example above, the I/O Module subscribes to data published out of an OpenDSS federate in a HELIC co-simulation. The HELICS type(s) supported in this module is boolean and double (the latter is synonymous with float). The tag key is OT-sim's term and is used on the internal message bus. The tag is similar to HELIC's term topic. If a tag is not specified, then OT-sim will use the key. The HELICS key is what HELICS will use to process the message.

The pull- and pub-endpoint(s) are optional for the io configuration keys. It is possible to define an alternative internal message bus if you want to talk to a different one from the default in the Message Bus. The federate-name key is optional; if not provided, the name value in the io key will be used.