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Logic Module

Configuration Example

Example section from configuration file:

      counter = (counter + 1) * reset
      reset = counter == 50 ? 0 : 1

In this example, we run a simple counter incrementing from 0 to 50 and then resetting and starting over. There are three keys in this particular configuration:

  1. period is the time between each program execution

  2. program is the program code

  3. variables is where variables in the program code are defined


Variable names used in logic program code have limitations in terms of characters they can contain that may prevent users from referencing tags published by other modules. Therefore, variable definitions can include a tag attribute to reference what tag should be mapped to the variable.


Please visit the Expr package Language Definition page for information on all of the possible syntaxes available in Logic Modules. In addition, various functions and calculations are available for configuration.

Logic Module Overview

Additional Documentation Required

This page requires additional content to be added to properly document the logic module. Specifically, additional functions included above and beyond what's available by default in the Expr package need to be documented, as well as a description of the known capabilities and limitations.


Until additional content is added here, take a look at the Example Devices page for examples of how the logic module can be used.